Thursday, March 1, 2012

Irish Referendum 2012, Entrepreneurship Negotiation

SO as I mentioned before, I live in Monaco. I'm studying at the International University of Monaco for my Bachelor in Business Administration.

This term, I'm taking 8 courses:  
Entrepreneurship And Family Business Management
Professional Communication - Writing
Job Search Techniques
Introduction To Financial Markets
Italian Elementary Level 2
Marketing Management II
Product Placement
The European Union

Today, I had to present an article in my EU class so I prepared a 5 minute explanation about the Irish referendum. The Irish PM, Enda Kenny decided to hold a referendum for the Irish people to vote whether they want to ratify the Austerity Treaty (which will give Brussels more power to intervene in economic and social issues of the euro-zone members) that they are signing with other euro-zone countries tomorrow. It's in the Irish constitution to give a vote whenever they have to agree to giving up more sovereignty to the EU. 

Even if Ireland votes "No", the treaty will still carry on because they only need 12 out of 17 signatures, but it may be a problem for the EU because investors will think that the EU are doing things that the people of the EU do not want. Also for Ireland, it may hurt them in the future not to be able to have a back up when they come out of their current bail out and has to raise capital on their own.

After my EU class, was the Entrepreneurship class. At the moment we are writing a Business Plan of our own about an idea that we came up with in groups of 2. My friend and I are writing about creating a Japanese Style Hotel and Resort in the South of France. Today, we had to give an "elevator pitch negotiation" where the teacher gave us 10 minutes to prepare, 10 minutes to talk to him as the investor in front of the class. We were very nervous because we didn't know about this, but we tried to structure what the message was that we wanted to portray about our product and what we wanted from him and why. It turned out ok and we all talked about how body language is important and it's ok to have a weakness and want advice from the investor once he is on board. 

Now I have my Marketing class but tonight an exclusive dinner event for an opening of "Sexy Burgers"at the BeefBar Restaurant in Monaco. 

Got this event through an ex-student at from our university and because I am head of the student association, he wanted me to invite some students from the uni. 

wsa - Write Soon Again! 

Koko xx

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