Monday, February 3, 2014

Finished our App!

So last week was our deadline for the HTML5 game app that my group and I were creating as our coursework.
I made a demo video so check it out ;)
I fear I sound like a bit of a bore but it took me all day to script what I was going to say in the video, practice the game so I don't get it wrong AND not stutter or say 'uhh'! haha

I made the video using audio and screen recording on Quicktime Player (Mac), then I put the audio and video together using iMovie.

The game is actually pretty fun! I'll let you know when it goes on the app stores!!

Now I'm focusing on applying for jobs, and my new second term modules.

In the end, I decided to take Software Engineering, Algorithmics, Functional Programming and Business Analytics.

Functional Programming is really fun. We are using a functional programming language called Miranda and I am loving it. Although, admittedly, it is getting more and more complex as the introductory weeks have gone by. But the way functional programming works is so cool! It's so logical it feels good! haha #supernerd

Business Analytics is less interesting for me because I feel that I know a lot about it already from my bachelor's degree. But the interesting thing about this course is that they teach you how to use the popular Statistical Analysis Software developed by SAS. People from SAS have come in to teach us and we've got a coursework to actually work on industry data.

I also just made my first six website to increase my online visibility and show that I am interested in game development.
Since when am I interested in games? Well, very recently. I've never been a big gamer but I am addicted to mobile games and so I went to this talk by a Games Industry Graduate Recruiter, Aardvark Swift at my university's career service event. It got me thinking how cool it would be if I could be a part of creating mobile games like Candy Crush and Plants vs Zombies!
So I spoke to the guy who gave the talk and I've been teaching myself C++ so I can develop games and build an online portfolio so games companies can see how I am interested.
I even entered a competition last week called Search for a Star, where I had to take an exam about C++. I doubt I got through to the next round because I just started learning C++ last monday, but it was really good experience and motivated me to crash learn C++.
Here are some websites I found really helpful: //The guys doing the videos are hilarious. Keeps you awake (y) //For those who learnt Java first //For those who learnt Java first //Ofcourse

Anyway, back to work! Hope you all had a nice weekend and have a nice week (y)

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