Sunday, April 22, 2012

End of the 2nd Year of University!

I can't believe its nearly May already!  This week is the last week of university this school year because IUM only has two terms and I have to go do a three-month internship from June. Which also means that I have final exams! Last week, I had my Italian final exam and this week I have European Union, Marketing, Professional Writing exams. 

For our Entrepreneurship class, the teacher is making us present our business idea to 3 investors (who also came in during the term as guest speakers) and they will grade us by whether they would invest in the idea or not. So we have to be all proper, wear suits and convince the judges but we only get 10 minutes! Scary, no? :s Especially because I get so nervous for presentations, our professor told us to EXPLODE and do as if we were singing on stage (he'd seen me singing at the Christmas Ball)! So the plan is to practice tomorrow with my partner with a couple of RedBulls or a glass of whisky ;) heheh

For the Finance class, we had 3 quizzes throughout the term and the professor had said from the beginning that if we got good grades in those, he would put that average as our Exam grade so that we wouldn't have to take the exam! And well, I managed to get an average of over 100 (with bonus points) so, no finance final! Yayy

When all of this is over, I get a month of HOLIDAYYY!!! xD I am SO looking forward to it because I'm going, for the first time to California, US!! 
I've been to Hawaii, Guam, New York, Miami, and recently Boston, but I've never been to the West Coast and I'm super excited. 
My bf is doing his internship in Sacramento, so I'm going to visit him and drive down to San Francisco and LA! 
Which means.... I can pack all my summer dresses and bikinis! It's been really cold in Monaco this whole month it's crazy! So I just can't wait to lie in the sun and not worry about studying... 

I am coming back for the Grand Prix though! Monaco Grand Prix this year is from the 24th to the 27th of May and I fly back on the 25th. Our apartment is located just above the GP circuit tunnel and from our balcony, we can see the cars flying out of the tunnel. So we have a great lunch buffet party every year and invite our close friends from all over. I can't believe it's already been a year! 

Ooh and April is Birthday month for our family. My father, my grandmother, my sister and my mother were all born in April! (Of course, I'm the out-liar, I was born in January) Anyway, check out the chocolate cake I made for my sister this weekend! It was really good!! nom nom! 

By the way, Stars'N'Bars is re-opening tomorrow! I organized our last university event this Friday 27th there too and we are all super excited to have our favourite American Restaurant Bar back! I hear they now have very cool balconies and a dance floor?! 

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