Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring Arts Festival at ISM

Yesterday was the Spring Arts Festival at my old high school, International School of Monaco. It's basically a Talent Show, where all the kids come up on stage and perform.
My little sister, who is attending primary school there, was in the Cheerleading team and they did a performance so my mother and I went and watched all the other 3 hours of performance to watch our little girl dance with 10 other girls for 3 minutes...

Anyway, the show was a lot of fun and it made me and an old friend of mine I met there were saying how old we feel because we were up there singing and dancing only 2 years ago (I sang an aria from an Opera 2 years ago). Now we are grown up, going to universities coming to watch the show for our little brothers and sisters!
I also realized how the school had become a lot more musical! When I was there, there weren't so many acts and so many students performing! It was great to see a lot of talent and effort and it made me want to run home and practice my songs on the piano! Of course I came back and wouldn't stop singing about even though it was already past 10 pm :P

Anyways, the weather's looking better this weekend in Monaco so let us enjoy it this weekend with some beaching and tanning? ;)

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